All original LC-MS/MS data will be available from the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE repository. ProteomeTools derived data can be accessed directly via data set identifiers or by listing all data sets belonging to the project using the "ProteomeTools" tag upon publication.
Within the course of the project, all data sets will be made available. Access to RAW data prior to release is available upon request.
Released Datasets
Dataset PXD004732, release date 01/23/2017 - 330,000 human tryptic peptides (Publication)
Dataset PXD006832, release date 17/09/2017 - PROCAL Retention Time Standard (Publication)
Dataset PXD009449, release date 04/06/2017 - 5000 peptides, 21 PTMs (Publication)
Dataset PXD010595, release date 05/27/2019 - 219,000 human tryptic peptides (Publication)
Please cite Zolg & Wilhelm, et. al, Nat. Methods (2017) when using ProteomeTools data for your research.